Cloud-Delivered Branch Customer Story: Aaron's

Feb 11, 2020
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With $3.9BN in LTM revenues and nearly two million customers, Aaron’s, Inc. serves a large market through multiple channels and products. The Atlanta-area based specialty retailer has been in business since 1955 and supports roughly 10,000 employees.

We had the honor to assist CIO John Trainor with a digital strategy to improve the user experience for both employees and customers. We worked with John and his technology team of 250 to create a digital foundation with our Autonomous SD-WAN. Next, we added CloudBlades to deliver IT solutions to the company’s 1,600 stores.

Today, the technology team can deploy point-of-sale systems to all locations in 27 minutes, and with the CloudGenix analytics tools, the company’s technology team has greater visibility into daily operations.

“We need to have updates regularly to have that fast clock speed. Fixes and other tweaks are pushed out to all locations. We also run core applications in Azure, which also helps us be more nimble. With CloudGenix, not only are our applications and data moving to the cloud, but also our remote office infrastructure. We now have an app-centric view of the world and not a protocol sense of the world. We are becoming less and less beholden to hardware refresh cycles and burdensome integration,” says John.

Working with John and the Aaron’s team continues to be a true partnership, and we couldn’t wait to help the retailer shorten their implementation cycle and adopt a centralized model conversion so they can aggregate data from stores in real time and better serve their customers.

On January 24, 2020 in a press release, the TMC editorial team announced that Aaron’s won the 2020 SD-WAN Implementation Award. According to the editors, “The honor is reserved for the customers and vendors willing to push the envelope of performance, reliability and innovation.”

We look forward to joining John Trainor in Ft. Lauderdale at the SD-WAN Expo and ITEXPO and celebrating their 2020 SD-WAN Implementation Award.

Read Aaron’s Case Study here and watch their story on video here.

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